

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Back to the hospital

Buster got his staples out on Saturday, April 30. On Saturday, May 7, Kandy was cleaning in the basement while the rest of us were preparing the garden. Someone went inside and came out to tell me she was hurt. I went in, and she had tripped over the dog bed. Her toe was pink, purple, red, and bleeding.

She survived the weekend, and on Monday, I took her to the doctor. The nurse took one look at the toe and said, "I'm going to get an x-ray form." The doctor agreed, so on Monday, we went back to Primary Children's for an x-ray.

Yes, the toe is broken.

In 10 years, we have been to Primary Children's a total of 8 times for emergency, suction shack, and x-rays. Three of them have been in the last month.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Owwww-wwwww-w--w! I've broken a toe before, but not the big one! Did she get a cast?

I've always thought about getting one of those occupational safety signs for my house -- you know, the ones that say "35 days with no workplace accidents" or somesuch -- and then place bets on how big the number will ever be.